Bet you didn't see that coming. LOL. This year has definitely been a roller coaster ride of emotional highs and lows. But just this past weekend, the love of my life, Mr. TravelDiva (he is going to shoot me) popped the question.
But let's rewind first--how did I meet Mr. TD? While I was on vacation of course! In December 2006, Lily Lily, Nadina and I were in Barcelona for New Years. Lily and I had been there earlier in the year, loved it, and knew that New Years would be sick. Our first night there--December 28--we decided to hit a club called Catwalk. It's one of the hot clubs in BCN--the lower level is club music, but the upper level is all hip hop all the time. So we set out around 12 or 1 and hit Club Catwalk. We got our complimentary drinks and basically posed by the d.j. booth basking in how fabulous we were. LOL. It was a hot scene and kind of like the United Nations of hip hop--Asians, Africans, Europeans and people from pretty much everywhere were groovin' to T.I., old school and whatever came on. We were definitely hot as the only Americans at the club.
Anyway, at one point, Nadina and Lily were sitting and my song at the time "Check on it" by Beyonce came on. So I started dancing and at one point I was spinning around in a circle (ladies I was gettin' it. LMBAO)--when I noticed this guy across the room staring at me nodding his head with the biggest grin on his face. I smiled at him to kind of encourage him, but he didn't come over. So I soon forgot about him and kept it moving. Little did I know, he watched me the whole night. So a couple of hours later, my friends were dancing and I decided to take a rest by the d.j. booth. While I was sitting there, I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was the guy from before and he asked me to dance. Of course, all fatigue instantly wore off, and I was like, "Yes!" We danced for awhile and kind of had an instant connection. I don't necessarily believe in love at first sight, but there was definitely an instant connection. We just were chillin' from the first moment we met--like we had known each other forever. I gave him one of my "leisure cards" (When I travelled, I came up with the idea of having a card with my e-mail address on it, pic, etc. to give to interesting people I met abroad. It actually worked out quite nicely. heeehee); and gave him my cell number. Anyway, I went back to my hotel with my friends--and figured I had an awesome first night out.
Little did I know that Mr. TD was very interested, and he called me the next day--twice. I hung out with him at clubs on Friday and Saturday, but then went my separate way for the rest of the trip. I really didn't think much of it--except that I'd met a cool guy and had fun in Spain. But when I got home from Barcelona, Mr. TD had sent me an e-mail and left phone messages expressing serious interest. Mr. TD is from Senegal, but he was getting his masters in the Netherlands at the time. We then began a long distance relationship. Yes--a long distance relationship on different continents. I used it as an excuse to travel to Amsterdam a couple of times. But eventually long distance got old. Last summer he came to the U.S. and ultimately stayed.

We've gone through the normal relationship ups and downs, but in the end, we knew that we were meant to be together. So last Saturday Mr. TD popped the question in grand style--on his knees in front of a restaurant full of people. Suffice it to say, we're very happy.

OH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so HAPPPY that something so positive has happened for you after what must have been so hard!
I missed you! I checked the blog every day waiting for your return!
Lemme be the first to say CONGRATS!!! And welcome back!
Taking a sabbatical has definitely been good for you. I'm gonna be just like you when I grow up! ;-)
Congrats again, Chica!
Thanks Nadja. LOL on checking the blog! Yes this was definitely a really positive blessing during a rough time.
Thanks Smarty!!!!!! LOL. I missed our political discourse by the way!
CONGRATS GIRL!! I cam so happy for you! Oh my goodness!!!! Congrats! I wish you all the best.
COngrats to the bride to be. Ok I need to get on to writing some posts about bridal things. I am so happy to hear that you have found the ONEEEE!!!
And girllllllll I am liking that RING. He did really well!!!!!
not that it is about material things, but since he went that route..you go boy..LOL
I look forward to reading about your plans and making arrangements, and I can't wait until you post wedding pics YIPPPPPIEEEEEEE.lol
wishing you all the best!!!!
Just to say CONGRATS...now lemme go read
OMG... congrats congrats congrats congrats congrats!
p.s. Mr. Traveldiva is ADORABLE.
DT, Fab and Shona -Thanks guys!!!!!!!!
PJD - LOL. AWESOME! I know if you're doing bridal posts they will be ON POINT!
Nadja - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think so too.
First and foremost...welcome back. You were missed!
Second, congrats! I love to hear stories like this. You guys make a cute couple. Hats off to MrTD. He is what we call...an international player! LoL
Third, dayyyyyyummm! I was blinded by the ice on yo finger! LMAO
Lastly, I'd like to nominate Puffy (aka Diddy, PDiddy, Puff Daddy, Puff, etc) for Joker of the Week. This neeeeegro had the nerve to say.."I can't believe that I have to fly commercial now. That's how high gas is! I can't fly private like I used to. These airline gas prices are too high."
What a clown!
Thanks Sales!
Hey Kyle! - Thanks and LMBAO on international player. And LOL on the ring! OMG - Your nomination is Duly noted!
Diva! I just knew I saw a better looking Monique up in here! Congrats!
Congratulations, Traveldiva!!!!! You deserve all of the great things coming your way.
So glad you're back!!!!!
THATS SO HOT!!!!!!!! congrats ma'am!!! love your story....YAY for getting married!!!
LOL. Thanks Spark, PA and PCD!
Congrats girl! Looking good :)
Oh, girl. Congratulations!!! I knew it wouldn't be long. You were right behind me. I knew it!!!! ;-)
CONGRATS!!!! Im so excited for the wedding pics lol
Thanks ladies!!! I know DH! We're going to have to swap stories. LOL!
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