I'm not going to turn CITC into all politics all of the time. However, this site is about discussing whatever comes to mind. And this morning as I drove into work, I was listening to the Young Turks on Air America radio and I heard something really disturbing. Joe Biden, the Democratic VP candidate, has said he will not be an attack dog during this campaign and he will not attack John McCain and Sarah Palin. Why? His exact words were - “I’m not going to be an attack dog. I’m not going to fool with my brand.” WTH? Well, what exactly are you here for Joe?
To be fair, his reasoning was that he wanted to work across party lines when he and Barack Obama win and not burn any bridges. That is consistent with the kumbaya, change message. However, let's be real--he needs to be on the attack. He needs to call Palin and McCain out on the issues--and run those jokers down. This is war and the Dems are down in the polls. This isn't time to hold hands and sing "We are the World." Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Biden should play dirty--but this is not the time to be concerned about his "brand"--this is the time to do what needs to be done to win in November. Step up Biden!
dust the cobwebs off of those coconuts and MAN UP!!!!
thats all i have to say...
I think what he's saying is that he's not gonna get into all of this mudsliging bs. And he doesn't have to. If he sticks to the issues, he'll be fine. McShame and Palin are on opposite ends of the spectrum just between the 2 of them when it comes to real issues. It'll show...trust me. It already has
I think what he's saying is that he's not gonna get into all of this mudsliging bs. And he doesn't have to. If he sticks to the issues, he'll be fine. McShame and Palin are on opposite ends of the spectrum just between the 2 of them when it comes to real issues. It'll show...trust me. It already has
Sheeple believe way too much out of the mouths of the GOP. This is NOT the time to try to take the high road. Play the game and expose every bad thing you can on those two!!!!!
Kyle I would agree with you, BUT Biden has gone out of his way to be complimentary of McCain, Palin and even said Hillary Clinton would have been a better VP choice than him. This is not the time to be Mr. Nice Guy. Not the time.
Ms. Bee I'm right there with you!
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