Oprah Winfrey - Oprah is facing a boycott from a group of Florida female Republicans because she refuses to have Sarah Palin on the Oprah Winfrey show until after the election. Oprah has reasoned that since she publicly supports Obama, she will not have any candidates on the show and try to even pretend to be objective and fair. That makes sense to me.
J Hud to marry Punk - What in the heezy? Word is that Jennifer Hudson is going to marry Punk from I Love New York 2. Huh? I know he's a Harvard-educated lawyer and all, but come on, he kissed New York! He expressed feelings for New York! Sweet merciful Jesus. Something about this is oddly reminiscent of Terry McMillan and Star Jones too... Since 12Kyle wasn't familiar with Punk, here's a pic. LOL.

Joe On the Attack - Okay, so Joe won't get my vote for Joker of the Week over his refusal to mess with his brand. I hear Joe is going to go on the attack this week, and it's about dang time.
Pic Source - O
Pic Source-Florida Federation of Republican Women
You already know what it is on this Oprah situation. These old heifers are trying to throw their weight around and it's not gonna work. Oprah is already a billionaire, she don't need them.
That whole J Hud/Punk thing, I don't know what to think. If he is gay, I don't wanna know.
As for Joey B. Bout damn time!
i am so disturbed by the fact that punk resembles jonathan plummer...it really gives me the heebie-jeebies! anyhoo, i never try to understand other folks' love...but this one here is just laughable. ewww! i was hoping she was on her way to becoming iconic, but this will definitey be a joke for all seasons....seriously? a dude from i love new york...who kissed it? and touched it?
SJ - You ain't never lied. But that FL group needs to ask those Texas cowboys how they fared against O. They better recognize.
PCD - GAG. HA! My sentiments exactly.
Ok so I heard j-Hud got engaged but I thought it was to her non-famous BF that she had been dating forever... when the heck did her and punk start dating and ewe...
LOL. I first started seeing those reports a few months ago Eb. But I was hoping they were rumors!
I dunno who this dude is b/c i never watched I Love New York. However, there's nuffin cool about a dude nicknamed Punk
Boycott?? Get a life
Wait, I thought Hudson said that she would remain true to her prior dude, even through the fortune and fame? That's a woman for you. LOL.
I don't understand why they are all in Oprah's grill. That's her TV show.
Impressed by Oprah. I think that the days of Palin as a beauty queen are gone, what does she want on TV? I know exactly what she has to say. Same nonsense about moral values, religion and war.
to tell the truth, last time i watched oprah was 10 years ago. i wish i had the luxury not to see palin for 10 years. maybe oprah should invite her and show palin's stupidity and hypocrisy to all the women. shouldn't be that difficult
They need to back off of Oprah..OK. And i and SICK and tried of hearing S.Palin VOICE sounding like a little mouse. Now one more thing I was always told to call a lady a (GAL) it was a insult more like the B-word so why does she use it so much.HMMM.I worked in a big factory and trust those people did NOT like the word so what is up peep,s. I know you aint a sister but they where not either..LOL.Back off of Oprah.This is what we do even if you dont watch her and i dont turn all of your other tv set,s on to her station set your teebo, vcr,what ever it maybe for 1-month so that the nelson rateings will show she still has a high month..GO GET EM!!!
what is Jhud smoking????????????
Sarah Palin's candidacy should dispel any notion that the Republican leadership has any respect at all for the presence & processes of government in our lives. It's simply another chipping away by them at the foundations of government's "respectability", in an effort to reduce its effectiveness at regulating the transfer of public wealth into private hands... and also to co-opt areas of social regulation- & citizen-building- by privatization (meaning SOMEone makes a Profit from what was once a Service- eg hospitals, schools, etc- which people received as a result of taxation... a redistribution of wealth for the public good).
Sarah Palin is the "rodeo queen" of the "bread & circuses" Party... an attempt to influence people who have been softly brainwashed for our entire lives by Advertising-- which has been justified by its use as funding for "free" (or very inexpensive- like newspapers) media. It has worked to the point that 24% of our country votes for a candidate who'd "be more fun to have a beer with", than for one who might actually have the intellectual & moral capacity to think through the ramifications of a pre-emptive war to secure our unfair share of a non-renewable resource-- while disguising the attack as a way to "prevent danger to the people of the USA"... & "spreading democracy & freedom".
The half of the country who don't vote is the other "hole card" for the "bread & circuses" Party. These people simply don't have the willingness any longer to think through their willing addiction to our national lifestyle- which pays lip service to 'democracy' while not choosing to vote (maybe for fear that "Something" will be "Their Fault") & whine about "illegal immigrants" while knowing that, if the self-serving bs that passes for "Immigration Law" had been in effect for the life of the country, that their antecedents would have been "illegal", too.
So, "No, thanks" to the Republican's brazen attempt to conflate "women's rights" and a rodeo queen candidate for Vice-President. If they had wanted to support Real Women's Rights, they would have allowed the Constitutional Amendment to pass- instead of fighting it, tooth & claw. If they had been honest they could have done Nothing... and let it pass. But now it's "hey, looka here, we support this Lady Governor (who's a Real Looker!) to be President, maybe"... kind of Political Lotto: vote for Johnny Mac (& his bad ticker) & you could have a Woman President!.. who "knows where Russia is!"
I hear you guys. And Apollo Bartender--take them to school and teach!!!
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