Congrats to Liz Trotta for edging out a win over Sharon Stone to claim the Joker of the Week prize for last week. Her wish that someone assassinate Senator Barack Obama ticked off a lot of folks....
This week, there will be no vote. I don't see how anyone could be a bigger joker than Senator Hillary Clinton. Not only did her sense of entitlement and arrogance prevent her from conceding her loss to Obama, but she also failed to praise him. I kept waiting for something in her speech on Tuesday--that never came. Instead, Ms. Ready on Day One explained why she was still the better candidate, said she had a lot to think about and asked people to write in and help her decide what to do. Then she had the audacity to have her surrogates (I'm glaring at you Bob Johnson) try to bully him into picking her as a VP. No doubt - Hills is a joker.
Feel free to comment or add anyone you think could have beat out the pantsuit this week!
oh no ma'am, hilldog DEFINITELY is a joker supreme with extra dumb-@$$ sauce, super-sized order of curly retardation and a tall hateful wenchjuice with no ice on the side....she makes me want to just hurl my breakfast!
hands down hillary. i still cant believe the lack of grace she showed this week. LOSERRRRR!!! GO BARACK!!!! YES WE CAN!!! :)
Liliye - Yes we Can! OBAMA 4 LIFE!
No, no, no, Pantasia gets it. I hope he passes on her for VP on GP!
Not Pantasia!!! LMBAO!
I got that from The Pretty Circle, I thought it was funny so I swiped it.
no contest. that trashy trailer tramp wins...hands down
i doubt very seriously if anyone can beat out the 'heroics' of the pantsuit. the female new contributor who joked about an obama asassination
came close. in the end i agree hillary's refusal to 'get it' out-distances all.
he he...ure right hilly gets it...
pcd is just cracking me up right now
they met... and spoke, and I really hope Barack doesnt pick her as VP... if he does... she may just be the mastermind behind an assassination so that she can still become president
LMAO to ALL!!!!!!!!!!
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