Hello bloggers,
I hate the John McCain Campaign. There, I said it. It's not just because I'm pro-Obama or anti-Palin or anti-McCain. While that is true, my hatred stems from the desperate, blatant xenophobic and racist slant the McCain camp is taking as it tries to come up in the polls a few short weeks before the election. The latest "Who is the real Barack Obama?" crap is ticking me off. They're trying to link him to a domestic terrorist, they're calling him by his full name with an emphasis on Hussein, they are looking at his fundraising records for foreign sounding names to see if he's got Osama and his cousins donating to his campaign--it is disgusting. It has gotten to the point where at Palin rallies, nuts are shouting out about Obama "Terrorist" "Treason" "Kill him." Seriously? We are in the worst financial crisis in decades and the best thing the McCain camp can do is race bait and portray Barack Obama as a black American hating treasonous Islamic terrorist? That's the best the McCain campaign can offer--fear mongering, religious intolerance and racism? I've gone beyond losing respect for John McCain and his campaign, I loathe them for their disgraceful tactics. I will definitely not be voting for "that one."
Final Note - If I see Sarah Palin squinting and saying in a twangy voice "Who is Barack?" again I'm literally going to throw something. Who is Barack? I've known about him for years--he's been in 23 or 24 debates and has been running for president since 2007. Maybe if the Palinator read a newspaper she would know who Barack is. And... Who the h*ll is Sarah Palin? Nobody knew who she was before a month ago. She has the audacity to question Barack's values and his ties when her own husband was a member of the Alaska Independence Party that believed that Alaska should secede from the U.S.; and Palin even spoke at an AIP event recently. The founder of the Alaska Independence Party professed hatred for the American government and cursed the American flag as that "d*mn flag." And she has the audacity to question Barack Obama's loyalty to this country and question who he is? SMH
This is my riot for the week. Riot on about whatever is annoying you today...
I hope McCant keeps up the negativity. Already there are Republican friends of mine who are voting Obama because they have lost all faith and adimiration for McCant. He is crashing and burning!
That's good to know!
Fear mongering has a long track record of success in our culture. Take, for example, central Europe in the 1930s. Maybe things will change. Ayers is a professor of Education at U. of Illinios...I suppose that, if elected, McCain's next move will be to have all Illini alums teaching in our schools fired...after all, can we really trust them with our children?
The Palin / McCain ticket is evil, and these two are spewing hate whereever they go. Don't tell me the Republican ticket is the Christian ticket this round. Christians don't act like this!
McCain and Palin are a joke. I prefer the 'A' student as my president. Not 'D' and 'F' students. LOL. Can we get a smart president for once? :-) I liked Bill Clinton. That's the only I've liked so far in my lifetime besides loving Obama. :-D
I think it's hilarious that people like Jerry Bader, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck are talking about this "Bradley effect" thing...
because if it has come down to this, I'm pretty happy that they are relying on an old and outdated "Bradley effect" for Mccain to pull this one off, or use as a cover for them if the fix is truly on. I think that this is a testament to the power of the Obama campaign and the supporters who are desparately fighting to get this country back and save this fragile democracy.
It may even be a reverse Bradley effect, because Rednecks who are only thinking in terms of voting for someone who advocates for gun rights, are thinking twice, because of states like Iowa (who are 95% for Obama) and predominantly rural white Americans who are also gun owners, are making these rural backwoods Rednecks think twice (past their biases) about what it is Obama truly represents = meaning they would like to see themselves have jobs, as opposed to being footsoldiers in a Mccain draft.
The bottom line is, everyone benefits under an Obama administration, while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and die off in several warfronts under a Mccain administration. He's senile, and might leave this mess to Sarah Palin!!!
Think this through... it's an easy decision folks.
O '08
If you want to see something really scary about Palin (in addition to the scary things we've already seen), take a look at this video. It's amazing that someone who is recommending that Alaska secede from the Union of States can drag up a very dubious connection that Obama may have to a long-time-ago agitator...all the while knowing that this is part of her VERY RECENT history. Scary, indeed...
The Palinator. LOL.
I would rally about gas prices, but they have shockingly dropped within this last week.
McCain and Palin are self destructing. They are reduced to the same Rovian smear and lie campaign that smeared John McCain in the 2000 primaries. McCain keeps referring to his experience but forgets to mention his deregulation mantra and votes with George W. Bush nearly 100% of the time. He was wrong about Iraq and he is still wrong! Obama is leading in the polls but its important for everyone who is sick of this meltdown and the ineptitude of the past eight years to get out and vote on November 4th!
Everyone is making valid points!
pale-lynn and mcklan will all be a distant memory in just a few short weeks. i can't wait.
i say we all take nov 5 off from work. haaaa
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